Mandela Day 2015

Mandela Day has come and gone, but our staff is still buzzing with the Madiba Spirit! Since the beginning of this month our staff has been working hard to give St. Michaels Home for Abused Teenage Girls a Library Makeover. When we first arrived at the Home, their library was packed with books that were older than some of our staff members! Layers upon layers of books were stacked on their shelves and the girls had no idea of the gems that existed there.
St. Michael's

St. Michael’s Home for Abused Teenage Girls’ library before its makeover 

Our staff spent 2 Thursdays at the Home, sorting through the books and keeping ONLY the books that the girls really found appealing. Thereafter we allowed a few of the girls to visit our office and select a total of 210 new English and Afrikaans storybooks for their library.

After speaking to the Senior Youth and Childcare Worker at St. Michaels, Edgar Lennitch, we found that one of the things the girls really needed are basic toiletries; these are in constant demand. In our staff’s personal capacity we all made donations and we approached private individuals and companies to donate toiletries as part of the Goodie Bag that we were preparing for the girls. The response was amazing! Our staff managed to get various items such as; sanitary towels, deodorant, body wash, lotion and face cloths to mention but a few.

The girls' Goodie Bags

The girls’ Goodie Bags

On the 21st July when St. Michaels staff were back at work we officially handed over their new library! The girls were so excited to begin reading; we could not even get a word in for the first few minutes due to their exclamations of excitement! One of the girls said, “I can’t wait to come up here again! I already saw a book that I’ve been looking for, for a very long time.”

St. Michael's Home for Abused Teenage Girls' library after the makeover

St. Michael’s Home for Abused Teenage Girls’ library after the makeover

After we revealed the library to the girls, we handed out their Goodie Bag and their excitement continued! They unpacked every single item to see what surprises were inside.

Thank you to St. Michaels for allowing us into your Home and interact with all of the staff and the girls! This was truly a wonderful experience. From all of us here at Biblionef, may you have many magical reading moments!

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