Grade 2 Lessons with the story, The Long Trousers

Below are a series of three videos demonstrating how shared reading and writing can be carried out in a Grade 2 classroom.

Click here to watch the English video

Click here to watch the isiZulu video

In this video, we will introduce the story, The Long Trousers, to the class and with the help of the children, will select a theme from the story. The theme from the story is then linked to the children’s lives and their ideas by:

  1. Asking the children to tell us what they know about the theme (The theme highlighted in this video is “weddings”).
  2. Writing their words or sentences on a mind map.
  3. Inviting the children to read each point aloud.

Click here to watch the English video

Click here to watch the isiXhosa video

Click here to watch the isiZulu video

In this video, we read a story aloud, for children to listen to and enjoy. As we do this, we let the children look at and enjoy the illustrations on each page. After reading or telling a story, we encourage children to think and talk about the story, by asking questions that will deepen their understanding of the story, e.g. Children name the characters in the story and say who they think the main character is; they talk about what parts of the story they like and what parts of the story they do not like – and why they don’t like certain parts. Asking these questions are important as they develop children’s high order thinking. Talking also about prepares children for writing about the story.

Click here to watch the English video

Click here to watch the isiXhosa video

Click here to watch the isiZulu video

In the previous lessons we introduced the story and read the story aloud and, in this video, we look at developing children’s writing about the story. Watch how we can learn and work with children’s ideas to create a text that is two paragraphs long.