Biblionef is a Empathy Angel!

Our Executive Director Jean Williams and Biblionef South Africa has been nominated by Righardt le Roux, Nali’bali Schools and Public Library Coordinator, as an Empathy Angel. This nomination is part of The Empathy Foundation and their aim to provide a bigger platform for organisation’s to speak about the work that they do.

We are extremely grateful for the nomination and the opportunity to share what we are doing and to allow us to be able to reach out to even more children’s organisations who do not have storybooks in their home language. Thank you!

About The Empathy Foundation: Empathy Angels is a Foundation that aims to inspire South African to treat each other with kindness and consideration; to take a minute to walk in each other’s shoes, before doing or saying an unkind/ hurtful thing. When we consider empathy, we are able to build better relationships.

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