With Biblionef’s assistance, over 1,000 books from around the world have been donated to Red River Primary School in Manenberg. The book donations were all thanks to an extremely resourceful Fishhoek mom and the readers of her blog.
Cape Town blogger and mother of eight, rallied her readers together to donate books to fill up the library of Red River Primary School. The call for action was first made to her readers in February this year in aid of International Book Giving Day. Every year Se7en carefully chooses one School to donate books too. The blogger approached Biblionef for assistance in selecting a school that had the greatest need. We immediately knew that Red River Primary School would be perfect for this initiative. We had recently donated 200 new books to the school in Afrikaans, isiXhosa and English, but this was not enough for their 820 learners, therefore the additional storybooks would be just what the school needed!
On the 11th May 2016, Se7en dropped off the storybooks at the school and the children’s excitement was evident! We are so glad to have been part of this fantastic initiative!
To read more about the events that unfolded when the books were delivered, click here